Checklist for Buying a House (Your House Hunting Guide)

Used houses can sometimes be like used cars - do your research.

Look at the landscaping for mature, low maintenance perennials, a deck or landing, privacy fences or hedges, sound walkways. These are costly items that cannot realize full value in a house price. The same applies to attached garages.
Look for a seller who is a serious do-it-yourselfer. How? Check out the tools inventory in the basement workshop, tool shed, or garage. Look for a router, a quality electric drill, perhaps a radial saw. Look for small tools as well, such as chisels, screwdrivers, handsaws, a mitre box, wood clamps

Most used houses get a coat of paint before they go on the market. If it's a professional job, that's a point for you. Look for roller marks, sags, and skips on the walls. Look for paint runs around trim. If you don't see them, you're in luck.
Open and close windows and doors. Make sure doors, including cupboard doors, don't swing on their own. This can mean the foundation has shifted unevenly or the walls are askew. Make sure the doors and windows don't stick; sticking could mean swelling from excess moisture and that, in turn, could mean wood rot in the frames and jambs.

Look for Leaks under the Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks and around toilets and tub.  Look on the ceilings for leaks.